What is a Domain Name - Basic Tutorial for Newbies
The domain names are a human-friendly way of connecting with the remote computer. However, it is almost impossible for normal humans to remember individual computers and digital devices’ IP addresses (especially IP Version 6 addresses).
When a user types a web address or a web domain name, it is mapped to an IP address that indirectly links to the website. That’s how domain names uniquely websites without remembering the inconvenient IP address
What are the components of a domain?
There are four main components of a domain name. These components can take different forms as the complexity of domain names grow.
The essential component is an extension, usually written at the end of the domain name. An excellent example of this is .com, .org, or net. They are also referred to as top-level domains.
The second most important thing is the name, for example, seowings in sco.org. The name and extension as a combination are called a domain name.
A prefix to a domain name is used as a sub-domain name; e.g., www, and doc are good examples of subdomain names.

Domain Name Structure and Hierarcy [Image Credits: Faisal Shahzad (SEO Wings)]
Last is the protocol prefix to the domain name and subdomains. The domain name uses these protocols to serve over the internet, and the most common protocol is HTTPS. HTTP (nonsecure version) still works, but for better security, it is recommended that a website operates on HTTPS by using any qualified SSL certificate.
Different types of Domains
There are different types of domains available, and as a marketer, one should understand the difference between them. They are all imporant but have their advantages and disadvantages.
Top Level Domains (TLDs)
Top-level domain(TLD) refers to the last portion of a domain name, such as .com or .org. Ladies are separated by a dot and can have a generic names such as .marketing and .berlin. These generic TLDs are not quite famous but are available to the general public.
TLDs can have a maximum length of 63 characters, although most are 2 to 3 characters long.
Only some of the TLDs can be used by the general public. Still, there is a consensus on who will use which TLD, .com
is a common TLD for the general public. In contrast, Communities and open-source projects, and welfare organizations use .org
TLDs are also called generic TLDs and can be purchased through domain name registrars authorized by ICANN (Internet Corporation of assigned names and numbers). ICANN is a not-for-profit organization that keeps the internet rolling and manages domain names and TLDs.
Some of the most commonly used generic TLDs are
for general and commercial activities.net
for networks and related activities.org
used by organizations, open-source projects and foundations.edu
used by educational institutions.gov
by government authorities.mil
by military departmetns
Country Code TLDs (ccTLDs)
Country-level TLDs are those TLDs which represents by a country code. Each country has its unique code, for example, .pk, .in, .com, .us, .de, .uk
These TLDs provide individual countries with further variations in country-level Domains by introducing restrictions on second-level domains and subdomains.
In Pakistan: .pk is a country-level TLD with the following variations. - .com.pk - .net.pk - .edu.pk - .org.pk - .gov.pk
Free (Sub) Domain Names
Free domain names are those names that web service providers provide as a subdomain. The idea behind creating a subdomain is familiar and unique. Still, it has been practiced since the beginning of the internet.
Following are some of the most common free domain name service providers. However, it would be best if you remembered that each service provider offers this free service for certain features on their website. So not all free domain names will work for your desired future.
- GitHub
- netlify
- vercel
- WordPress
For example, these service providers might offer you hosting for a static website but do not offer any database support. In contrast, other service providers that might have better content management systems are not offering static web hosting.
So your options are limited. You are only given a domain name and can only do what the service provider offers you. It is usually an issue for the long-term growth of a business or a brand because the subdomain name provider is the website’s controller, not the content creator.
It shows the biggest problem with free domain names. You have limited control over the free subdomain name. You can only use those features and content management systems that the free domain name providers offer.
Domain Name types using Labels?
The name portion of domain names is also called Labels. This label can be branded or non-branded keyword. Domain names can be classified into three types using the keywords used in the label part.
1. Exact Match
Exact match domains are that domain which uses the exact keywords related to their niche. For example, if a website niche is about “best laptops,” then bestlaptops.com
, bestlaptops.net
, or bestlaptops.org
are considered the exact match.
2. Partial Match
Partial match domains are those domains where a keyword is partially matched with the main niche. For example, if a website niche is about “best laptops,” then bestaptoptips.com
, bestaptoptips.org
or bestaptoptips.net
are a partial match.
3. Branded Domains
Branded domains can be registered to create your brand around that keyword. However, you should only register the brand name as a domain name if you own the brand. A registered brand can ask you to take down a domain name and website.
You can register a unique name not used by anyone else and build a brand around it. That brand name should make sense to your audience and resonate with your main niche. An excellent example of brand names is seowings.org
or tomshardware.com
Domain names have been the internet’s critical component and backbone since the early 90s. The growth of the internet was only possible due to the widespread use of domain names. Domain names not only help us to remember our favorite brand names but also are considered part of the brand identity. Brands and influences build trust using their unique and relevant domain names.
They independently serve as a commodity as people buy and sell domains as part of their business. However, you cannot buy a domain but rent it. You keep the rights to use a domain name as long as you pay the annual dues to issue authority.
Frequently Asked Questions

Faisal Shahzad
Hi, I am Faisal. I am working in the field of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Data Sciences since 2002. I love to hack workflows to make life easy for people around me and myself. This blog contains my random thoughts and notes on Digital Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Static WordPress Hosting with Netlify and CloudFlare Pages, Python, Data Science and open-source projects.